
Play drawing games with your friends!


How to play

Skissan offers two games. The first game is called Draw & guess which is based on the classic pictionary game. One player draws a word while the others try to guess the drawing. The first player to guess the word will get the most points. The winner will be announced after 10 rounds.

The second game is called Draw & guess from answers. Everyone starts by drawing a sentence and then the game will go through every drawing and everyone has to guess what it is. After everyone has made a guess, then they must choose one answer from all the guesses. Only one guess is the correct sentence, but if you click on a guess made by someone else, then that user gets the points! So you can either try to guess what the sentence is, or make a fake answer that people are more likely to choose.

You can create a custom room if you want to play in private with your friends. After you create a custom room, you can copy-paste the URL to your friends.

Score system

Draw & guess

The drawer will get 10 points when the first user guesses the word. If the drawer gave a hint before the first user guessed the word, then the drawer will get 10 points minus the number of hints given times two. So if the drawer gave two hints, then the drawer will get 6 points when the first user guesses the word. The drawer will then get additional 1 point after each correct guess.

The first user to guess the word will get 10 points, the next user who guesses the word will get 9 points, then 8, 7, 6 and then 5 points for the rest that successfully guess the word.

Draw & guess from answers

If you guess the correct sentence then you will get 10 points and the drawer will also get 10 points minus how many have guessed it.

If someone clicks on your answer, then you will get 10 points but the user who clicked on your answer will get none.


When creating a custom room you can configure the following:

  1. 👪 How many players can be in the room, up to 64 players.
  2. 💬 Choose between two word lists, English and Icelandic.
  3. 💪 Choose how many rounds you want, up to 50.
  4. 🕓 Choose drawing time, up to 16 minutes.
  5. 😍 Choose how many words the drawer can choose from.
  6. 🎯 Limit how many times players can guess in a single round.
  7. 🕵️ Setting the room to private will hide it from the lobby.


  1. ⛔ You are not allowed to draw letters.
  2. ⛔ You are not allowed to draw offensive art.
  3. 🤐 If you guessed the word, do not give away the answer to others.
  4. ⛔ You are not allowed to share personal details such as your email address or phone number.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add my own word list to Skissan?

Absolutely! When you create a custom room you can submit your own custom words.

Can I create an account?

We support signing in with Discord, which will save your avatar and total score. We will soon offer rooms where only players with certain amount of score can enter.

Are there more game modes available?

We only support one game mode. If you have some interesting ideas then please feel free to contact us and we will look into adding it. Please note that you can specify maximum number of guesses and drawing time in custom rooms.

Can I play on my mobile or tablet?

Yes, Skissan was created to run on any screen, even in cars such as Tesla!

I'm having trouble playing Skissa, what can I do?

Please make sure that you are using a recent browser such as Google Chrome or FireFox. If you are still having trouble playing, then please join our Discord community and ask for help.

Where can I share feedback or chat with other players?

We have a Discord community, where you can share feedback, chat with other players and more.


8th of January 2022

Skissan is no longer only a draw and guess game, because we now support two game modes, classic draw & guess and a brand new game mode called Draw & guess from answers.

This new game mode is really fun. Everyone starts by drawing a sentence and then the game will go through every drawing and everyone has to guess what it is. After everyone has made a guess, then they must choose one guess from all the answers. Only one answer is the correct sentence, but if you click on an answer made by someone else, then he gets points! So you can either try to guess what the sentence really is, or make a fake answer that people are more likely to choose.